by Ian | 29 Sep, 2015 | Handling nerves, Interview Science
One of the main causes of nerves and anxiety ahead of interviews is simply that we don’t get to do them very often. By definition, we are out of our comfort zone, and therefore feel uncomfortable. It is often unpleasant and, judging by how some people...
by Ian | 6 Jul, 2015 | Good first impressions, Handling nerves
Nerves typically build to a peak as you are waiting to be called in for your interview. We all know the symptoms – dry throat, clammy hands, butterflies in the stomach. You are desperate to get things going well, and desperate to avoid fluffing your...
by Ian | 20 Jun, 2015 | Handling nerves, Interview Science
Nerves play a huge part of the interviewing process – and can easily be the difference between nailing that interview, or bombing. The route to managing your nerves is to recognise why you get them, and then learn how to embrace them to your advantage....