by Ian | 26 Aug, 2015 | Being memorable
This is the third of my posts on being M.E.M.O.R.A.B.L.E in your interview. You can find part one and part two here. To recap, this acronym guides you through the key elements: Motivated Energised Mature Optimistic Realistic Articulate Bold Likeable Entertaining So...
by Ian | 24 Aug, 2015 | Being memorable
I explained in my recent part one article the need to ensure that your interview is memorable, and we ran through the first three elements of my M.E.M.O.R.A.B.L.E acronym : Motivated Energised Mature Optimistic Realistic Articulate Bold Likeable Entertaining So...
by Ian | 18 Aug, 2015 | Being memorable
One of the 9 key elements of your interview strategy is to ensure that you are memorable. Sounds obvious, but what do I mean by this, and why is it so important? The fact is, unless you are uniquely suited for a job, you will be competing against several, and...
by Ian | 11 Aug, 2015 | General tips, Good first impressions, Interview Science
It is critical to understand the importance of eye contact when you are interviewing. Let’s be clear, you want your interviewer to like you, and the way you manage your eye contact during the interview is an important part of building that friendly...
by Ian | 5 Aug, 2015 | Asking questions
One aspect of the interview process where I have seen candidates struggle time and time again is asking questions. When your interviewer says “do you have any questions for me?”, this is a great chance for you to stand out and show that you have...