9 ingredients for a memorable interview, part two

9 ingredients for a memorable interview, part two

  I explained in my recent part one article the need to ensure that your interview is memorable, and we ran through the first three elements of my M.E.M.O.R.A.B.L.E acronym : Motivated Energised Mature Optimistic Realistic Articulate Bold Likeable Entertaining So...
9 ingredients for a memorable interview, part one

9 ingredients for a memorable interview, part one

  One of the 9 key elements of your interview strategy is to ensure that you are memorable. Sounds obvious, but what do I mean by this, and why is it so important? The fact is, unless you are uniquely suited for a job, you will be competing against several, and...
How to ask truly great questions in your interview

How to ask truly great questions in your interview

  One aspect of the interview process where I have seen candidates struggle time and time again is asking questions.  When your interviewer says “do you have any questions for me?”, this is a great chance for you to stand out and show that you have...
Why graduates are raw material

Why graduates are raw material

  Whenever I interview freshly minted graduates, all I see in front of me is raw material. What do I mean by that?  Well, quite simply, almost nothing that you have achieved so far adds much value for me.  Of course you have your degree(s), work experience, life...